
an end to a final start


(yvan rodic)

tomorrow shall be the last day to a beginning to a 4 month period of pressure, sleepless nights, stress & countless amount of work to be done and submitted. honestly speaking, i am not ready and & i lack of motivation. maybe magic will happen once all of the work start rolling in. deep breaths, deep breaths.

and in less than 5 days, the boyfriend will board an 8 hour flight to a destination that he will have to call 'home' for the next 2 years to get his degree. the chances of not seeing him for more than 104 weeks shatters me but life can get tougher , & i've been through shittier situations so i am going to deal with it, as much as i know it'll suck because this time, he won't physically be around. but look on the shinier, sparkly side, there's always Skype eh? however, internet body contact is yet to be created. :(

i just need a long hug and a cuddle and for him to tell me that everything will be fine because we have a lifetime together to look forward to once we get through this.

.....i can't wait for that day to come.

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