
thanks & i'd rather give you a bitch slap.

you know how irritating it is when you constantly worry about how others think of you; (your atttitude, personality, humour, work, appearance, what you said and how you give out advices and opinions), when at the same time, you really don't care and that you keep telling yourself that, but however there's this tiny itch where you actually care what other losers think about you.

do you get me?

or like you had this conversation with a good friend, a friend, or an acquaintance and unconsciously you might use some words or give out opinions that offended them unintentionally because at that time, you perceived it as something common or usual that you would normally say. however, from your friend's perspective, she perceived it as something offending or hurtful and does not understand that you really had no intention in hurting anyone with what you said.

and then when you go home, switch on the TV and maybe have some alone time and that moment you recall that conversation you had with the friend and then just realised that what you said may offend them. then you start to worry because it might cause a misunderstanding and a conflict between the two of you. however petty it is, you're still worried because different people have different perceptions and understandings, right? and it could definitely lead to something horrendous if that friend of yours decides to exaggerate the conversation they had with you to other loser friends of theirs.

so what do you do?

i know that these two topics aren't related but right now the solution to the two problems is just to give them the bitch slap that they deserve, oh and i might add in a little wiggle of the middle finger as a bonus treat, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. word.

    pegi lah mati.

    sorry. i have to be melayu on this one. peace.
